Saturday, March 15, 2014

Our 2014 Ultimate Summer Bucket List

Our 2014 Summer Bucket List 

 Due to those annual, abnormal warm days in February, we decided we were all aching      for summer a bit. Trying to contain our excitement, we constructed our 2014 Summer  Bucketlist. We still haven't figured a way to survive the next few months. Feel free to 
 share our list, and make your own with these ideas in mind. We'll post every      accomplishment that is done, and show you just how to do it.


    Stargaze in the Truck - we've seen pictures floating around of a truck bed filled with      pillows and blankets whilst stargazing. definitely on the list.

    Kayak - we're all about new ways to venture. you can kayak wherever water is.

   Watch the Sunrise in the Woods - we love visiting the forest. watching the sunrise    while eating fresh pastries? i think yes.

   Tie Dye - shirts, pillowcases, shorts, swim suits, the list goes on.

   Photograph the Day - we're avid photographers, whether it's our Nikons or our iPhones

   Croquet - scrounging around, we found an old kit. seems like a good time.

   Fill the Pool with Glowsticks - sounds explanatory enough

   Go to the Zoo - what can we say? animals over people.

   Tennis - the town has new courts, and we're all equally unexperienced. 

  Glow in the Dark Hide & Seek {Glow Party - wait till dark, bejewel yourself in glow,    and hide.

  Chalk the Driveway - covered. completely. no exceptions.

  Go Karts - again, equally unexperienced.

  Fly Kites - somehow, we've never done this. you can get kites at the dollar store, too.

 Make a "Honk if you LOVE Summer" sign - to hang on the car on one of our outings 

 Horseback Riding - more venturing. more animals. 

 Mini Golf - one of our favorites

 Carve a Tree - find a good one

 Make Pull-Tab Flyers - put compliments, joke, etc. get creative.

 Project a Movie - recently found a DIY iPhone Projector. couldn't resist.

 Make a Tumblr/Blog/Instagram for Summer - Exhibit A

 Create a Secret {Milkshake} Recipe - summer shakes are our specialty

 Take a Walk - we love walking the trails with ice cream

 Dollar Store Shopping Spree - $10 = 10 items

 Bowling - nighttime bowling, of course

 No-Cell Phones-Day - or Hippie Day

 Cook a Dinner - to get us out of the chips-with-salsa-and-popsicles-for-dinner habit

 Song Collab - she sings. you play an instrument. video it.

 Find a New Spot - yours, wherever. ours, preferably in the forest.

 Crayon Art - you know, where you glue crayons to a canvas and melt them with a      hairdryer/sun

 Make a Music Video - summer themed, of course.

 Tan Tattoos - with a silly band, sunscreen, paint, etc.

 Have a Bonfire - preferably fueled by last years' homework

 Tie Something to Balloon & Let Go - regrets. mistakes. dreams. no judging. 

 Eyebombing - take googly eyes and stick them in public to make faces

 Go Thrifting -  make tank tops and crop shirts

 Remake Old Photos - do your best impersonation of your old self, then thank the Lord you don't look that way anymore.

 Laser Tag - it's basically war

 Write a Letter to a Disney Princess - thanking Pinterest. original pin came from               Couponing to Disney

 Museum - a lot of local museums are free.

 Try Skateboarding - more opportunities to hurt ourselves

Messy Twister - play with paint/colored shaving cream on the dots

Different Person for a Day - go out with a new accent and/or appearance

Furniture Store Hide & Seek - nonchalantly in Rooms-to-Go 

Picnic - it's a classic

Say "Yes" to Everything for a Day - using your own boundaries 

Midnight Movie Premiere -  or first showing

Don't Spend All Day Inside - do SOMETHING

Stay Up for 24 Hours - stock up the RedBull

Learn New Survival Skills - never know when it'll come in handy

  if you like these and want more, you can also check out  20 MORE Summer Bucket List Ideasknowing us, this will be more of a guideline of things to do when we're bored and in the mood, but it's nice to have! we would love to hear your ideas, too! stay tuned to see more summer-themed ideas and check out our bikini-ready guide too! and summer accomplishment posts are to come, as well. Happy Summer! 
                        - the summertime girls

  *UPDATE* - April 6th

  very much to our surprise, we've had some legit views and awesome activity within the last few weeks. 


 with that said, we're super happy to tell you guys that we're bringing you more bucket list ideas! 

the updated list is up!

thanks for being awesome!




1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! :) Imma get some of these ideas for my 2015 summer bucketlist haha *_*
