Thursday, May 14, 2015

Summer DIYs for Your Room

Summer is almost here!

 3 DIY ideas to Spice Up Your Room for the Summer

hey guys, Crafty here. I don't know about you, but I'm always finding new ways make to make my room more colorful, especially during the summer! here are 3 easy DIYs that you can do to spice up your room for summer:

1. Mason Jar Vases
you will need: 
•a mason jar (you can get them at craft stores)
•bright colored paint (I wouldn't go with glass paint. trust me.)
•flowers (I went with fake ones but you can get real ones)

what to do:
paint the inside of the jar with a large sponge or brush, making sure to cover all of the sides. let it sit out and dry for a few hours or overnight. once it dries, put the flowers in it and you're done!

2. "Today I Want To:" Board

what you will need:
• a picture frame
• patterned picture/scrapbook paper of your choice
• a dry erase marker 

what to do:
take off the back of the frame. measure the glass to the picture/scrapbook paper and cut it to fit. put the paper behind the glass and secure the back of the frame. write "today I want to:" on the top of the board with a dry erase marker. every night write things like:
" inspire somebody"
" meet Beyoncé" 
or whatever you want to do the next day. and remember you can always look on our summer bucket list for inspiration

3. Quote Pictures

what you will need:
• a picture frame
• a computer ( and printer)
• scissors

what you do:
find a quote you like; you can make it with a word processing program on your computer or just search for one online. if you choose to look for one online, some good things to search for are:
• tumblr quotes
• Inspirational (insert favorite celebrity here) quotes 
 you can also look for quotes on Pinterest

what to do:
print out the picture. take the back of the picture frame off. measure the picture to the size of the glass on your picture frame and cut it to fit if needed. put the back on the frame.

I've made so many of these it's not even funny. they're so easy and fun to make and personalize.

all of these are entertaining to do with friends, I'm pretty sure the other girls and I will be making all of these when we're bored during the summer. be sure to follow our Pinterest for more summer craft ideas. 


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